Q Kepler Ecosystem Impacts Report Please use this link to submit your report to Mission Control. This report must be submitted by: You may resubmit your report as many times as you would like prior to the deadline. Only the most recent report will be reviewed. Thank you for your work on this project. Begin Report 1. Was the population of Strideo magna increasing over time near the Hab? What trends in the data helped you to make that determination? 2. The Expedition Team suggested that the increase in population size was due to an increase in the numbers of Strideo prey animals that were found near the Hab. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? 3. Can humans have a positive impact on a population in terms of population size? If that population size is inflated due to human activities, is that always a good thing? 4. If it was the presence of the Expedition Team that caused the increase in Strideo population size, does that mean that the Team should alter their activities to return the population size back to what it was prior to their arrival? Why or why not? 5. Do you think it is possible for humans to not impact a population? If humans are a natural part of an ecosystem, is that always a bad thing? Please explain your answer. PreviousNext
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